CISO Malaysia 2023
We are pleased to invite you to attend CISO Malaysia! Taking place on 16 February, CISO Malaysia will share insights on transformative leadership, increasing awareness, taking a holistic approach to cybersecurity, and embracing technology innovation with confidence.
Malaysians have never been more worried about their personal information safety as they are now and the pressure on cybersecurity executives is really pumping. CISO Malaysia 2023 is exactly where you need to be if you want to ensure your organisation’s security program meets requirements set by the government and citizens.
Join us in Kuala Lumpur, on 16 February 2023, for an all-in-one event, where you’ll also meet the latest and greatest cyber innovation and technology providers to help you find the most suitable solution for your organisation.
Register using the discount code CISOMYSPON500 receive $500 off the standard rate!
Register here with $500 off: