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May 2022

Headline: Royal Holloway: Attack mapping for the internet of things

With the introduction of each internet of things (IoT) device to a home network increasing the attack surface and risks of a security threat, this article in our Royal Holloway security series puts forward a practical model for investigating the security of a home network to evaluate and track what pathways an attacker may use to compromise it. The model allows an individual to understand the attacks, evaluate whether the attack is feasible within the context of a specific network, and finally action it, reducing the risk.

Table Of Contents

  • The internet of things (IoT) has been adopted by a range of domains, including the industrial sector (which covers the smart grid, transport and logistics, factories and production, retail and consumer, healthcare), as well as the connected home and smart cities.
  • By 2024, the total number of IoT connections will reach 83 billion.
  • With the introduction of each internet-connected device in a home network the attack surface and risks of a security threat increase.
  • With remote working widespread, home networks that were once used only for personal reasons are now transmitting sensitive business-related data, making individuals and home networks a valued target of cyber criminals.
  • This article proposes an IoT smart home attack map that allows an individual to evaluate the security of a network and reduce risks.
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