
October becomes a key month for channel monitor sales

Seasonal sales might start in late November but the peak action on the monitor front has now shifted to October front in distribution, according to findings from Context

October looks like being the key selling month for monitors in distribution with that becoming the key selling through period for the channel.

Although there a lot of sales are struck in November, with Black Friday doing its bit to help shift units, most of the action has already peaked for distribution, according to a market analysis from Context.

The analyst firm has kept a firm eye on what's happening with monitor sales across Western Europe in the early part of Q4. Business products drive sales but the demand for gaming models also contributed to a 16% climb for October and November.

October proved to be a solid month for business monitors with November seeing a demand for cheaper products along with a switch to greater sales coming on the consumer side, with those screens promoted as gaming options hitting the mark with customers.

The sales figures indicated to Context that a new trend has emerged in the monitor makret with the distribution sales peak moving to October, despite seasonal sales come at the end of November,

“Sales of monitors are expected to continue to grow for the remainder of the last quarter of 2018”, said Dominika Koncewicz, senior analyst for Displays at Context.

“While the business part of the market is likely to drive the trend, vendors will continue to focus on premium consumer models with high margins to maximise revenues from the still-profitable gaming segment," she added.

The UK was not one of the top performers in Western Europe, with Norway racking up a 53.8% increase in revenue and the Netherlands also produced 31% improvement year-on-year, but neither was it the worst with a 11.8% climb in the first two months of the fourth quarter.

This week should see monitor technology coming under the spotlight with CES a forum for the industry to show off the latest developments. There have already been signs that size and quality is being pushed even further with LG using the event to introduce its 'ultra' monitors which offer a 49" display for business users.

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