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Kaspersky: Now is not the time to pitch a fresh strategy

Security vendor Kaspersky advises its channel base to focus on helping customers with current problems

Reiterating the messages it shared with partners at a virtual event last month, Kaspersky has reminded them to focus on helping customers through the current crisis.

One of the messages during coronavirus has been to encourage resellers to deepen their focus on the existing customer base, given the benefits of having an established relationship and the difficulties of reaching out to fresh prospects.

Adding to a sense that the key is to concentrate on those current customers is the view from Kaspersky that this is also perhaps not the time to start encouraging users into embarking on grand strategies.

The security player held its 2020 European Partner Conference a few weeks ago, turning it into a virtual event because of the current social distancing restrictions.

“In challenging times, when customers are reluctant to discuss major changes or replacement strategies for their cyber security infrastructure, it’s really important to understand their situations and be flexible in addressing how we can help,” said Chris Connell, deputy vice-president, global sales network, director of European operations, at Kaspersky.

“We all understand that now is not the time to jump to new strategies or consider more comprehensive replacements, but rather to look into optimisation of the existing installed base and protection layers, and understand specific business needs first. This is where our specialisations for partners can be not only be helpful, but also offer additional value for partners and their customers at the same time,” he added.

The vendor has been supporting partners through the crisis and has added more flexibility into how the channel can access marketing development funds, redefining its rebates and increasing support for digital marketing.

“Now is not the time to jump to new strategies or consider more comprehensive replacements, but rather to look into optimisation of the existing installed base and protection layers, and understand specific business needs first”
Chris Connell, Kaspersky

“My wish is that everyone who is with us today can grow their business at maximum pace, despite external circumstances. They should also always consider how to adapt to new realities, and diversify and rebuild, not only to become more efficient, healthy and wealthy, but to also help our world,” said Evgeniya Naumova, vice-president, global sales network, at Kaspersky.

Kasperksy, like all security vendors, has charted a boom in the number of cyber attacks attempting to exploit home workers, and the firm is encouraging partners to help customers deal with those and keep their staff safe.

The vendor’s research team tracked a 43% growth in scam attempts in the first quarter and found a third of those attacked were hit by ransomware.

Others have also warned that techniques used by cyber criminals to mimic government messages put the public at risk. “In times of urgency and uncertainty, individuals are much more susceptible to these kinds of attacks, particularly if a fraudulent email looks like it has come from a genuine domain,” said Adenike Cosgrove, cyber security strategist, international, at Proofpoint.

Proofpoint has warned that some of the banks people are approaching for Covid loans and some of the pubs and restaurants that have reopened are lacking in security and not adhering to the recommended level of domain-based message authentication, reporting and conformance (DMARC).  

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