Jigsaw24 increases focus on enterprise market

The growing number of Apple products being used in the workplace have triggered a response from one of the vendor's largest resellers

Just a few weeks after Jigsaw24 underwent a change of ownership the firm has indicated that it is gunning for the enterprise market.

Last month private equity player NorthEdge, which had owned the channel player for the past five years, sold the business to a management team backed by fellow financial specialist Alcuin Capital Partners.

In the wake of that move the firm has made a couple of hires and indicated that the enterprise market is going to be a serious focus over the rest of this year.

Tim Bodill, takes up the position of enterprise services director, joining from Esteem, where he was sales and marketing director. He has been joined by Paul Scott, who had been technical sales director at Viewdata, who becomes enterprise account manager.

Jigsaw24 has long been a major Apple house and has sold into the Mac heartlands in the creative and education verticals. But the growing appeal of the products in the enterprise sector has been identified as an opportunity worth putting some investment behind.

Apple products appeal to millennials and they have been taking them into the corporate environment in larger numbers. Spotting that trend led Jigsaw24 to establish an enterprise division and it will be educating customers about the technology.

"I’ve now joined the team with the objective of building a stronger enterprise business. We’re trying to get more Apple devices into the workplace, and we’re in a unique position due to the fact that we've been selling Apple into creative businesses for almost 30 years," said Bodill.

"Expectation from users is different now, and the message to CEOs, CTOs, CIOs and also HR, is that you can make your company more attractive to the talent market by the quality of the equipment you give employees," he added.

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