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Five minute interview: Greg Bailey, Veeam

MicroScope puts its questions to Greg Bailey, director of channels and cloud at Veeam UK&I

Morning Greg, tell us what you do for a living
I am director of channels and cloud for Veeam UK&I.

Why are you the right person for this job?
I’m not. I am only caretaking it until the right person comes along.

What gets you up in the morning?
Life is short, so just making the most of every day, I consider myself very lucky.

Who helped you get to where you are today?
There are a few people; my brother stands out. I have learned equally from those who are good and those who are not.

What is the best or worst business advice you have received and from whom?
After a particularly bad day, my dad once said: “It could be worse, you could be dead.” He was right.

What advice would you give to someone starting out today in IT?
Be yourself. People need those who are willing to challenge and be different.

Is it possible to get through an industry conversation without mentioning ‘digital transformation’?
Well, I guess that depends on who you talk to.

What does the next five years hold for the channel?
The same basics must apply: simplicity, great service and continuing focus on the right partners, not a bit to all. Aside from that, we will see consumption models grow and
annuity/cloud overtake on-premise as resellers become service providers.

Tell us something most people do not know about you
I once modelled underwear for an M&S catalogue.

What goal do you have to achieve before you die? Why?
I was going to say to see my kids grow up and become successful. But, actually, I would really like a Lamborghini.

What is the best book you’ve ever read?
Anything by Stephen Fry – he’s brilliant.

And the worst film you’ve ever seen?
Baywatch is pretty woeful.

What would be your Desert Island MP3s?
Depeche Mode, INXS and The Jam.

What temptation can you not resist?
I do own a large number of golf shoes. I just can’t seem to stop buying them.

What was your first car and how does it compare with what you drive now?
It was an old Opel and it was pretty crap. In fact, it’s very similar to mine now after my kids have been in it.

Who would you least like to be stuck in a lift with?
Anyone in IT who thinks buzzwords are cool.

If you were facing awesome peril and impossible odds, which real or fictional person would you most want on your side and why?
Doc from Back to the future. We could simply go back to before it all started.

And finally, a grizzly bear and a silverback gorilla are getting ready for a no-holds-barred rumble. Who is your money on and why?
Well, the Silverback could hold a gun, so I would probably have to say him.

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