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July 2018

The bland leading the bland

Here’s some market intelligence that will shock you - unless you’re a mother of chatbot invention like Sutherland. In which case, the world is your oyster. The shock news is that hardly any IT service employees can explain what they actually do. If true, it could mean barely anyone in IT has a clue what’s going on. The study, The Bland Leading the Bland, conducted by me and lasting 15 years, has concluded that people who work for a ‘solutions provider’ are rarely able to name a single problem their company solves. I know this for a fact, having edited two channel magazines and written for MicroScope for a decade and a half. In that time I sat through endless roundtables, briefings and informal chats. In addition, I’ve received an estimated bezillion press releases and made endless inquiries to companies and their PR representatives. I can confidently assert that only about three or four people, in all that time, have ever given any thought to their claim to be a solutions provider. If you provide business solutions, ergo you are...

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