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Colt DCS aims for significant growth with channel programme launch

the data centre specialist has cut the ribbon on a global partner programme that should provide the structure to increase indirect revenues

Colt Data Centre Services (DCS) has launched its own global channel programme to ramp up the interaction between the firm and resellers.

The firm has stated that the ambition is to double the amount of indirect sales over the next two years just through the programme alone.

Blurb on the firm's website is also fairly ambitious about the benefits for those resellers with data centre skills that do sign up to work with Colt DCS.

"We will be working closely with our partners to ensure we create leads for your core business as well as our colocation, with joint marketing campaigns and collaborative work. Our rates of commission will be the best in the industry and our collaborative work will separate us from all other reseller programs," Colt DCS stated.

The general idea is that customers will be able to reach out to approved resellers in the ecosystem and for partners there will be access to a range of services that have been generated in the programme.

To support the launch of the programme Colt DCS is introducing training, certifications and MDF to make sure that partners are both supported and prepared for the launch.

The UK will get the channel programme first before it is then rolled out to partners across Europe, with events already booked next month in Spain and Belgium. Once Europe has got going the plan is to introduce it to the US and Asia and make it truly global.

“Colocation has always been a significant factor for resellers, often proving to be the springboard of selling services, highlighting the need for reliable infrastructure and cloud service providers," said Ben Tuckwell, global director of indirect channel at Colt DCS.

"We will work in true partnership alongside our channel partners to increase revenue and help one another sell these important services. This is truly an exciting moment in the Colt DCS journey, as we evolve as a community alongside our partners," he added.

Read more on Channel Partner Programmes