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June 2020

How Covid-19 has turned the IT events calendar on its head

Events and conferences are an integral part of the IT industry’s calendar. For the channel, they are an opportunity for partners to hear the latest vendor news, test new products, network with potential customers and socialise with peers. But with the height of “conference season” now upon us, the situation is very different this year. Due to the restrictions imposed to mitigate the spread of Covid-19, IT vendors have cancelled their annual showcases in places like Las Vegas and San Francisco, either deferring them to later in the year, or switching them to “virtual” events that attendees can access online. So what does this mean for the channel? Is it possible for vendors to keep their partners engaged and informed via virtual events, without any of the benefits of a physical conference, such as networking, face-to-face meetings and the associated social activities? Is it feasible that they can create value for partners when the engagement is purely digital? Certainly that’s a goal towards which IT vendors are now aiming. ...

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