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April 2019

Channel backing apprenticeships

Against the backdrop of National Apprenticeship Week the channel has shown its strong support for helping the next generation start out their careers in the IT world. UKFast was first off the blocks announcing plans to create 100 fresh apprenticeship roles at the end of last week as it continues to play a part in trying to reduce the skills crisis. The Manchester-based firm has a long track record bringing the next generation on board through apprenticeships with 80 going through its scheme in the last three years and 18% of its current 350 strong workforce having coming through that route. Others have also stepped forward to reveal the efforts they are making to reach out to young people with Westcon-Comstor planning to recruit 10 people to join its 2019 apprenticeship programme. “This is the third time we have done an apprenticeship intake,” said Antony Byford, managing director, Westcon UK. “Over the years we’ve had more than 30 apprentices, and about half remain in the company as they establish successful careers. The ...

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