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March 2019

Botnets and machine learning: A story of hide and seek

Malware authors have always been trying to update their software and evolve their techniques to take advantage of technologies and bypass security measures. Botnets are a perfect example of how cyber criminals have managed to accomplish that over the past decade. Their widespread and severe consequences have transformed botnets into one of the most significant and destructive threats in the cyber security landscape, as they are responsible for many large-scale and high-profile attacks. Examples of attacks performed by botnets include distributed denial of service (DDoS), personal or classified data theft, spam campaigns, cryptocurrency mining and fake news spreading on social media platforms. Moreover, there is an exponential increase in attacks that result from crime-as-a-service offerings, which usually include botnets that are rented or sold to people or groups lacking experience or technical skills who wish to perform nefarious activities. So, it is clear that taking security measures against botnets is crucial for an ...

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