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July 2021

Time to take it to the edge

Speaking at Dell Technologies World 2021, the company’s CEO, Michael Dell, said data processed outside the datacentre was due to increase from 10% currently to 75% by 2025, with edge computing generating much of that data. His prediction built on an earlier forecast by Gartner that more than 50% of enterprise-generated data will be created and processed outside the datacentre or cloud by next year. Dell’s comments garnered a lot of attention, but his sentiments regarding edge computing were not exactly surprising or novel. In 2017, Canalys CEO Steve Brazier told attendees at the Canalys Channels Forum in Venice: “The next phase of the computing industry will be around the computer at the edge.” At the same event, Martin Mayr, senior vice-president at German IT partner Cancom, remarked that there had been “very little talk about edge computing”, but that like cloud computing seven years ago, it was “really a game-changer” and will “make a big difference”. So assuming everyone is right about the impact of edge computing, what does...

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