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May 2021

Spectrum could set new standards for broadband in the UK

The most embarrassing aspect of the Covid crisis is the international conference calls. The British participant is always the elephant in the Zoom. While our images slowly materialise at modem speed, our overseas counterparts Florian, Katya and Hank (Junior) zoom ahead of us at 10 times the pace. There is a broadband crisis in Britain. You can tell by the marketing – the schmaltzier the adverts are, the worse the service is. To get an idea of dissatisfaction, you only need to look at the reaction to online BT adverts for its fibre broadband. Meanwhile, Virgin Media is the subject of regular investigations by BBC Money Box. Given that Covid has changed the shape of British industry, with a large majority set to be working from home indefinitely, could that be serious for the economy? It presents serious demand for competition. Why should the incumbents change? BT can still charge £20 a month rental for copper that was probably installed when telecoms were under public ownership via the General Post Office (GPO). Our best hope for...

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