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Exertis looking for further growth after a strong year

Distributor is looking to build on the momentum in its last fiscal year and push organic growth as well as looking to continue making strategic acquisitions

Those keeping an eye on Exertis can expect more acquisitions and a push to grow in its key areas of AV, data centre, mobile and retail.

The firm's parent DCC shared fiscal full year numbers yesterday that showed 20% growth and made a double acquisition to strengthen both geographically in the Nordics and Germany as well as adding more audio visual expertise.

In the light of the strong fiscal year, Tim Griffin, divisional managing director of DCC Technology and the managing director of the Exertis Group, shared some thoughts about the performance of the distribution business.

"I am particularly pleased by the organic growth in the UK & Ireland and we have been very active in the development space ad £300m has been spent on acquisitions and I'm very pleased they have joined the family and delivered a significant part of that growth," he said.

Acquisitions have to provide DCC Technology with both more expertise in its key areas as well as ideally help it fill in areas where it has not got much of a foothold.

"We want to drive organic and inorganic and we continue to be ambitious to fill in more of that white space," he added "We extend the geographic footprint and acquire more specialist capabilities in the areas we are focusing on."

The announcement of the proposed deal to take over Comm-Tec in Germany is a strong example of that dual ambition with the firm bringing strong AV skills as well as links into DACH and Southern Europe.

Looking ahead as well as potential acquisitions the business is also involved with making further improvements to its own systems and warehousing to keep the momentum going.

Despite the acquisitions and extension of the geographic reach Griffin was keen to stress that the firm has a clear picture of its strategic vision: "We are a specialist and are not trying to acquire broadband capabilities."

"We are providing reach to our vendor and reseller communities that want access they they can't always get," he added "In order to really add value you have got to have deep domain knowledge and capabilities."

Read more on Audio Visual (AV) Solutions