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Quadient and Quertum working on CX opportunity

Growth in the customer experience market means that those providing the tools for banks and utilities to communicate with users are experiencing healthy market conditions

Demand from users for customer experience tools that can match their needs has given the CX market a boost in the arm and given those looking to pitch the technology more prospects to target.

With the expansion of different forms of communication with customers, ranging from phone to social media, the pressure on systems that track those interactions has been growing.

"CX has been around for 10 years but the technology has not been up to pace. Now the technology is at the forefront," said Craig Prince, head of UK at Quertum.

"Everybody is looking at this now and people are getting on board. The next few years will see the market grow out of all proportion," he added.

Quertum has been signed up as a partner for Quadient and the partnership comes at a time when customers are looking to roll out digital transformation strategies that include CX as part of the process.

"Even though paper based communication is declining it is expanding overall and communication is becoming more personal and one size does not fit all and people need to do it in a personal way," said Tommi Hanninen, co-founder of Quertum.

Quadient supplies most of the banks and utility companies with the tools to generate statements and bills and Mike Davies, vice president business partners at Quadient, said that there had been not only a move away from sending that information on paper but also a requirement to make it more tailored to the individual customer.

"There has been a rapid emergence of social media and more channels to distribute through and there are many devices and ways to get a statement ad the complexity of the communications channels has increased the need for good CX," he added.

Quertum will sell and support Quadient Inspire Omni-channel enterprise CX software in the Nordics and UK. The business was launched by long-standing Quadient technology partner Joisto, which was set by Hanninen.

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