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February 2022

What’s on the security radar?

There can’t be a customer that is not concerned about security. For resellers looking to pitch products and services, that means there is a wide variety of options to pitch. Some of the great and the good in the industry have shared their expectations for the year ahead. Andrew Clarke, global head of channel and alliances, One Identity Cyber incidents are a regular occurrence, in part due to organisations having to manage more identities within the business than ever before. In fact, according to recent research, the number of identities that organisations have to contend with has more than doubled, including internal, third-party and customer identities. This is because of several notable trends in the industry, including: a reliance on contractors and external partners to scale and expand value; the rise of cloud-first computing with the distribution of cloud services to different physical locations; increased IT complexity due to adapting to compliance regulations; automation or robotic process automation (RPA) to streamline ...

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