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September 2020

Four disciplines for maintaining staff productivity to meet service level agreements in pandemic

As office-based employees continue to work remotely during the Covid-19 health crisis, it is essential to have practices in place to ensure that teams feel motivated and that productivity is not compromised. While most of the technical issues that came with the sudden switch to home working will have been ironed out by now, many employees still find themselves in a less than ideal work environment – often juggling childcare and other family demands while dealing with space constraints and connectivity problems. Add to that the anxiety and distraction that inevitably come with the current high levels of uncertainty, and it’s easy to see why businesses might suffer a drop in productivity. However, businesses in lockdown still have roadmaps to follow, clients and partners to support, and service level agreements (SLAs) to meet. Ensuring the health and well-being of staff is clearly paramount; in parallel with this, companies can follow four key disciplines to maintain productivity while supporting remote working. Prioritise tasks ...

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