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February 2023

The channel is key to plugging cyber skills gap

When we all shouted “Happy New Year!” as the clock struck 12am as 1 January 2022 arrived, how many of us could have predicted just how tough a year it would prove to be? Inflation, soaring energy prices, rising interest rates, the aftermath of Brexit, supply chain disruption, the lingering effects of Covid-19, unprecedented political turmoil at Westminster, the illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine – these all contributed to making 2022 an extremely challenging, and insecure, year for everybody. Perhaps the uncertainty, upheaval and general insecurity over the past 12 months is one of the reasons why cyber security is considered by many to be the most promising growth area for channel partners in 2023. It’s also likely because cyber security was already doing very well in 2022 – Canalys recently reported that just under 91% of sales in the third quarter for the worldwide cyber security market came from the channel, with channel sales growing at a faster rate than direct sales. The market research company also revealed channel ...

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