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July 2020

Interview: Bob Bailkoski, CEO of Logicalis

After five years at Logicalis, Bob Bailkoski got the chance to step into the CEO shoes at the start of March 2020. His move to the top job coincided with the worst pandemic since the Spanish Flu of 1918, and that, understandably, has had an impact on his first few weeks in post. Under normal circumstances, a conversation with a chief executive a couple of months into the job would be dominated by talk about their plans and vision for the business. Bailkoski has those, but for now, in the midst of the Covid-19 coronavirus outbreak, the priority is to look after the welfare of the channel player’s staff across the globe and to best serve its customers. “I took over the CEO position on 1 March. I have been with Logicalis for about five years in a number of different roles, but building up to the 1 March I was incredibly excited and looking forward to all the things I was planning to implement as chief executive. Within two weeks we had locked down our UK office, so we were in crisis mode almost immediately,” he says. Bailkoski had ...

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