Colaboradores de
Colaboradores actuales
Jawad Akhtar es el líder SAP para IBM Pakistán, con un enfoque en ventas y entrega de negocios. Akhtar es autor de dos libros en SAP Press.
Profesionista de TI con amplia experiencia en DevOps y la metodología Agile.
Sarah Amsler is a managing editor for the Learning Content team.
Mandy Andress is the chief information security officer at Elastic
Adam Armstong is a news writer covering storage and storage hardware. Prior to joining TechTarget, he was a staff writer and then chief news editor for
Rahul Awati is a PMP-certified project manager with IT infrastructure experience spanning storage, compute and enterprise networking.
Pam Baker is a freelance journalist and the author of books including "ChatGPT For Dummies" and "Generative AI For Dummies."
Nick Barney is a technology writer for Barney joined TechTarget after writing and editing for journals, news sites and technology companies.
Michael Bennett is the Director of Educational Programs and Business Lead for Responsible Artificial Intelligence at Northeastern University.
Jacqueline Biscobing is senior managing editor of TechTarget's News Team.
Como editor asistente del sitio para SearchSoftwareQuality, Ryan cubre pruebas de software, DevOps, prácticas continuas y más. Es un graduado del Instituto de Tecnología de Rochester.
Julia Borgini is a freelance technical copywriter, content marketer, content strategist and geek.
Periodista especializado con más de 15 años de experiencia en el área de TI, tanto en relaciones públicas como en periodismo.
David Carty is the site editor for SearchSoftwareQuality, and previously served in the same capacity for SearchAWS.
John Cavanaugh is vice president at the Office of the CTO at BlueAlly. He leads a consultancy team focused on designing secure infrastructure.
Profesionista de seguridad informática con más de 10 años de experiencia en TI, cuenta con las certificaciones CISSP, CISA, CISM y CEH.
Lev Craig is Enterprise AI site editor at TechTarget.
Carolyn Crandall es directora de Promoción de Seguridad y directora ejecutiva de Mercadotecnia de Attivo Networks.
Deanna Darah, site editor for TechTarget Networking, joined TechTarget after graduating from UMass Lowell in 2021. She majored in English, focusing on journalism.
Darcy DeClute is a Scrum Master and Agile coach from Toronto, Canada. Since 2017, Darcy has helped over a dozen companies digitally transform.
Jean DerGurahian ist Features und E-Zine-Editor von Network Evolution in der Networking Media Group von TechTarget. Sie ist die ehemalige Redaktionsleiterin von SearchHealthIT sowie die ehemalige Gesundheits-IT-, Qualitäts- und Sicherheitsreporterin von Modern Healthcare.
Fleur Doidge is a journalist with more than 20 years of experience writing news and features, primarily for business and technology websites.
Katie Donegan is social media manager at TechTarget. She works with editors to extend Editorial's reach to audiences on external platforms and build brand awareness.
Ryan Dowd is the associate editor for SearchCloudComputing.
Molly Driscoll is a site editor for TechTarget. She previously worked as an editor for Skyword and for the Christian Science Monitor.
Molly Driscoll es una editora asociada en TechTarget. Previamente, trabajó como editora para Skyword y para Christian Science Monitor.
Jaime es Comunicador Social y Periodista, con 20 años de experiencia. Ha participado en equipos de generación de contenido y diseño de estrategias de productos impresos y digitales.Ha liderado proyectos de implantación tecnológica y participado en procesos de definición y puesta en marcha estrategias de convergencia.
Eamon McCarthy Earls es editor asociado para SearchNetworking.
Contributor Donald Farmer is the principal of TreeHive Strategy. He advises software vendors and investors on data and advanced analytics strategy.
Kevin Ferguson has written about technology for many years and for many publications. Kevin holds a BA in journalism from Rutgers University and an MPA from Harvard University.
Laura Fitzgibbons is a research writer, technical writer and technical illustrator specializing in science and technology content.
Emily Foster is the associate site editor for TechTarget's Enterprise AI site.
John Fruehe ha pasado más de 25 años en tecnología empresarial, obteniendo una amplia base de conocimientos gracias a su trabajo en AMD, Compaq y Dell, entre otros.
John Fruehe has spent more than 25 years in enterprise technology, deriving a broad knowledge base through his work at AMD, Compaq, Dell and others.
Norberto Gaona Vázquez es editor, periodista y traductor profesional especializado en temas de negocio y tecnologías de información desde hace más de 20 años.
Robin Gareiss is CEO and principal analyst at Metrigy, which conducts research and advises enterprises and technology providers.
Kate Gerwig is the editorial director for TechTarget's Networking, Security and Infrastructure Media Group.
Stan Gibson, an award-winning technology writer and former executive editor at eWEEK and PC Week, is principal at Stan Gibson Communications.
Stephanie Glen is a news writer at TechTarget. She has written about topics from software development to AI and the metaverse to mathematics.
Michael Goad is a mobility SME with over nine years of experience in the mobility industry.
Periodista colombiano independiente, con más de 15 años de experiencia en el cubrimiento de fuentes relacionadas con tecnología, telecomunicaciones y empresas.
Matthew Grasberger es un ingeniero de DevOps en Imperfect Foods con experiencia en marcos de automatización y pruebas móviles.
Sara Grier is an assistant site editor for SearchCloudComputing as a part of the Cloud DevOps media group at TechTarget.
Jessica Groopman es una analista de la industria y socia fundadora de Kaleido Insights.
Jessica Groopman is an industry analyst and founding partner at Kaleido Insights.
Jim Handy is a semiconductor and SSD analyst at Objective Analysis in Los Gatos, Calif.
Jo Harder has been involved with virtualization for over 19 years. She focuses on Citrix virtualization solutions and has been a Citrix Technology Professional (CTP) for four years.
Isabella Harford is a former assistant site editor for the Security media group at TechTarget.
Michael Heller es un reportero senior en SearchSecurity. Cubre noticias de seguridad de la información, análisis de la industria y estrategia de productos.
Periodista especializada en negocios, tecnología y marketing.
Amanda Hetler is an editor and writer for WhatIs. She has years of experience in freelance writing and working for an insurance company's communications department.
Makenzie Holland es escritora de noticias y cubre grandes tecnologías y regulación federal.
Alissa Irei is senior site editor for TechTarget Security. In previous roles at TechTarget, she was a senior writer for TechTarget Networking, TechTarget Security and TechTarget Unified Communications; features and e-zine editor for Network Evolution; and site editor for SearchSDN.
Kyle Johnson is technology editor for TechTarget Security.
Jordan Jones is versed in enterprise content management, component content management, web content management and video-on-demand technologies.
Kashyap Kompella is an industry analyst, author, educator and AI advisor to companies and startups in the U.S., Europe and Asia-Pacific region.
Maria Korolov ha estado cubriendo tecnología empresarial por casi 20 años y actualmente se está enfocando en inteligencia artificial y ciberseguridad.
Griffin LaFleur is a senior marketing operations manager.
Allyson Larcom works as associate site editor for SearchVMware.
Jessica Lulka writes and edits content for TechTarget's SearchServerVirtualization site.
Jessica Lulka escribe y edita contenido sobre tecnologías del centro de datos para el sitio SearchDataCenter de TechTarget.
Ben is a site editor for Software Quality.
David Maldow is the Founder and CEO of Let's Do Video.
Melinda Marks is a Practice Director at TechTarget's Enterprise Strategy Group, where she covers cloud and application security.
Luke Marson is a chief cloud HCM architect who runs the SuccessFactors business at an IT consulting and software vendor.
Kayla Matthews is an IT technologies writer and journalist. Her work has been featured on The New Stack, InformationWeek, Toolbox and Computerworld.
Jeanne Meister is the founding partner of Future Workplace, an HR advisory and research firm. She has written multiple books discussing the future of HR.
Emily Mell es la editora asociada del sitio para
Emily Mell is the former site editor for TechTarget's IT Operations site.
Rachel se enfoca en productos y tecnología de TI, manteniendo las Guías del Comprador de TechTarget para asegurar que la información de los productos es exacta y actual.
Periodista con 20 años de experiencia en la redacción y edición de textos sobre telecomunicaciones, tecnología y negocios.
James is a senior executive editor in the Content Innovation and Amplification group, where he leads the High-Performance Content team.
Lisa Morgan es una periodista, analista de la industria y estratega de contenido que escribe y habla sobre tecnologías emergentes y sus impactos en los negocios y la sociedad, incluyendo análisis de datos, transformación digital, inteligencia artificial, ciencia de datos, nube, movilidad, software empresarial y desarrollo de software.
Stefani Muñoz is an assistant site editor for SearchVMware. Her responsibilities include editing articles focused on VMware topics and in-depth analyses.
David Needle es un reportero de tecnología veterano, que cubre móvil, big data, CX y social media, entre otros temas.
David Needle is a veteran technology reporter covering mobile, big data, CX and social media, among other topics.
Sarah Neenan is a former assistant site editor for TechTarget's Cloud/DevOps Media Group.
Shaun Nichols is a senior news writer covering the security industry. He has spent 15 years covering enterprise and B2B tech for international news outlets.
Melisa es una periodista y profesional de la comunicación, con más de 20 años de experiencia escribiendo y editando para medios especializados en tecnología en México y Perú.
Joe O’Halloran is networking editor at Computer Weekly.
Guilliean Pacheco is an associate site editor for TechTarget's enterprise software and services media group.
Miguel Pallares es periodista y columnista de negocios. Actualmente, publica su columna en 14 medios digitales, y ha publicado artículos, videos o moderado foros en medios nacionales e internacionales.
Andy Patrizio is a veteran technology journalist based in southern California.
David Petersson is a developer and freelance writer who covers various technology topics, from cybersecurity and artificial intelligence to hacking and blockchain.
David Petersson es desarrollador y escritor freelance que cubre varios temas de tecnología, desde ciberseguridad e inteligencia artificial, hasta hacking y blockchain.
Editor y periodista que ha desarrollado su carrera en medios de tecnología y negocios.
Periodista especializado en TI
Jack Poller formerly covered Identity and Data Security at TechTarget's Enterprise Strategy Group.
Established in 1993, Manning Publications is an independent and innovative publisher of books for the IT community.
Periodista con más de 20 años de experiencia en la industria editorial, manejando proyectos de generación de contenidos en medios impresos y electrónicos, especializados en la fuente de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicaciones (TIC) y Seguridad Informática.
Periodista especializado en TI empresarial y de consumo con experiencia en los mercados latinoamericanos.
Alejandro Ramírez Peña es comunicador social y periodista, con más de 25 años de experiencia en redacción y edición de textos periodísticos.
Jacob Roundy is a freelance writer and editor with more than a decade of experience in a variety of tech topics, such as data centers, business intelligence and sustainability.
Margaret Rouse escribe y administra, la enciclopedia y centro de aprendizaje de TI de TechTarget.
Isaac Sacolick, president of StarCIO, is a top social CIO and industry speaker.
Marius Sandbu is a cloud evangelist for Sopra Steria, in Norway, who mainly focuses on end-user computing and cloud-native technology.
Ron Schmelzer is managing partner and founder of Cognilytica and co-developer of the firm's Cognitive Project Management for AI (CPMAI) methodology.
Esther Shittu is eager to take on the world of AI as a news writer at TechTarget. In the past, she has written for the 'New York Daily News' and Bklyner.
Terry Slattery is principal architect at NetCraftsmen and has 20 years of network consulting and design work experience.
Lauren Soucy is the Senior SEM Manager for TechTarget, Inc.
Jeremy is the associate site editor for
Senior Analyst Rob Strechay covers cloud and DevOps at Enterprise Strategy Group, drawing upon more than 20 years of industry experience across a broad range of cloud, infrastructure, and data products and markets.
Erin se unió al equipo de contenido editorial en agosto de 2014. Es editora del sitio en el IT Infrastructure and Strategy Media Group.
Maggie Sullivan is a SEO/Content Specialist for TechTarget's Networking Group.
Shaun Sutner, a journalist with more than 25 years of newspaper experience, directs news coverage for the sites in TechTarget's Information Management Group.
Todd Thiemann is a senior analyst covering identity access management and data security for TechTarget's Enterprise Strategy Group. He has more than 20 years of experience in cybersecurity marketing and strategy.
Ed Tittel ha trabajado por más de 30 años como desarrollador de software y gerente de desarrollo, consultor de redes, entrenador y desarrollador de cursos, y evangelista técnico de varias compañías.
Chris Tozzi es un editor y analista de DevOps en Fixate IO. Tiene un enfoque particular en fuente abierta, infraestructura ágil y redes.
Linda Tucci es editora ejecutiva para el CIO/IT Strategy Media Group de TechTarget.
Edgar Vásquez Cruz es especialista en tecnologías de la información, telecomunicaciones y seguridad informática en gobierno, áreas en las que tiene una experiencia de 24 años.
Kathleen Walch escribe contenido sobre cómo las empresas usan tecnologías de IA para el sitio SearchEnterpriseAI de TechTarget.
Julian Weinberger is the director of systems engineering at NCP engineering.
David Weldon is a business and technology writer who covers data management, information security, healthcare technology and other topics.
Petra Wenham is a BCS volunteer, with long-standing information security and information assurance experience.
Bev is CEO of Nash Squared, a global technology recruitment, IT solutions and leadership services group with 36 offices across the US, Europe and Asia.
Kinza Yasar is a technical writer at TechTarget. She has a background in IT, including a focus on networking in the telecommunications industry.
Todos los días, millones de profesionales de la tecnología confían en la red de sitios de TechTarget para revisar análisis de noticias, leer tutoriales, guías y consejos útiles; así como obtener características detalladas y comparaciones de productos de proveedores. Nuestros sitios cuentan con varios formatos multimedia, incluidos webcasts, podcasts, videos y screencasts, así como oportunidades para interactuar con expertos y sus pares.